From only £5 a month, over 50’s have started to take advantage of this fantastic life cover offer
With funeral costs due to accelerate in the future having already risen by 88% over the last decade, many Brits over 50 have unfortunately been unaware of the low cost of life insurance which CAN play a massive part in helping cover expensive funeral costs as well as overcome a variety of financial difficulties.
Even though your partner’s funeral or your own may be uncomfortable to discuss, a solid but flexible live cover policy has the ability to pay for your funeral that you may not be able to afford to pay in one large lump sum.
Managing Director at financial services company Sunlife Dean Lamble has stated that “We believe that it’s important that everyone considers making some funeral provision, as our research also shows it can cause loved ones a great deal of stress at a difficult time if no provisions are in place”.
Because of this, many over 50’s are now using online tools such as to receive a FREE and PERSONALISED quote on life cover after a few details are received. Rather than spend time going through a variety of providers, many are choosing to use 50plus to find the quote for their needs rather than spend weeks on end going through various providers.
With 98% of protection claims being paid out in 2015,* online services such as 50plus have gained huge popularity, being recognised as trusted and secure.
With acceptance onto the policy guaranteed, many are getting protected with Look below to make the first steps into receiving your quote:
Step 1: Click your gender below.
Step 2: Once you go through a few questions, you will have the opportunity to compare quotes