Best Ways To Save On Energy Bills

Energy bills can be expensive, but there are a few things you can do to keep your costs as low as possible. You could be saving hundreds of pounds on your energy bills without even noticing. We will be revealing ways to save electricity and reduce your carbon footprint by making your home more energy efficient.
1. Switch Energy Supplier
Changing energy supplier is easy and can knock hundreds of pounds off your bills. If you haven’t switched your energy supplier or tariff recently, it would be a good idea to look into switching to a new energy supplier. The reason is, there’s a good chance you could save a lot of money. That’s because you will probably be paying out-of-contract rates. These are often the priciest deals on the market, even though they’re price capped.

2. Replace Light Bulbs
Energy-saving light bulbs can help you to cut your energy bills easily. An LED light bulb can be inexpensive. Over its lifetime, it could save you some money from your energy bills, compared with an old-style bulb. LEDs are the most energy-efficient light bulbs, and use almost 90% less energy than traditional incanadescents. LED bulbs can cost less than £5 for one, and some can pay for themselves through energy savings in a few months.

3. Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances
If you’re replacing an appliance, you can cut your electricity bills by choosing the most energy-efficient model. Due to the amount of water used by washing machines and the amount of energy that goes into drying them, choosing a more energy efficient appliance can help you save on energy and water bills. If you want to save extra, hang your clothes outside if the weather permits you to do so or consider an indoor drying rack .

4. Unplug sockets
A lot of wasted electricity occurs through leaving appliances plugged in that aren’t being used. Even charger cables that don’t have anything plugged into them, but are still connected to the socket, can waste electricity. So it’s often better to err on the side of caution by unplugging anything that isn’t being actively used and switching the power off at the plug. This way it’s safe and you can save on electricity bills.

5. Small Habits Help Save Money
We’ve picked out small habits to help you save money on energy. They all have a big impact, even though they are small habits to develop, so even if you just do one of them, you’ll still be better off. Turn down your thermostat, just reducing it by 1°C could cut 10% off your heating bill. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Fill up your washing machine, tumble dryer and dishwasher. One full load uses less energy than two half loads. Wash your clothes at 30ºC and don’t use the tumble dryer if you can avoid it.

Typically, your doctor will start you on a low dosage. Your doctor will ultimately prescribe the smallest dosage that provides the desired effect.