Organic Gardening Ideas To Maximise Your Garden`s Potential

For many people, gardening is more than just a hobby. Garden is one of the most relaxing and rewarding parts of their daily lives. Gardening can yield not just beautiful flowers and delicious fruits and vegetables, but less stress and tension as well! Read on for interesting and practical information, on how to get the most out of your gardening pleasure!
A key element to having a great garden is to fertilize it. There are many different types of fertilizers available at most home stores, but what works for different types of gardens varies. Manure is a great choice, but it does smell. A commercially produced manure will have no pathogens to contaminate the vegetables in the garden. Some people swear by chemical fertilizers, yet they are not an organic way to grow.
Invest in a electronic PH tester. Avoid liquid PH kits (the colour coded ones) as they tend to be less accurate. It is very easy for first time users to botch readings. Also, do not use soil PH test kits as they are unreliable and are not intended for home use.
Clean your garden tools before you put them away. It seems strange to worry about keeping a gardening tool clean, but it’s actually very important for the health of your plants. Tools that are put away while coated in dirt can harbour microbes and even insects that can be deadly to your plants.
Grow plants from seed rather than purchasing plants from a nursery. It can be tempting to purchase plants that already have a head start, but it is usually not necessary. By growing from seed, you could find yourself landscaping your yard for under £50.00 worth of different plant seeds, rather than spending hundreds or even thousands of pounds at a plant nursery.
When you are pruning a tree, make sure that your tools are sharp. Cutting with a dull tool can tear the bark off the tree, causing unnecessary damage to the tree. Not only that, cutting with a dull tool causes you to spend extra energy in cutting. A sharp tool will give you a cleaner cut with the least amount of effort.
Given how busy and stressed out life can be, it’s a wonder that more people do not take up gardening. As you have just read, there are many ways of making it easier and more cost effective and even, more fun. Hopefully, this article has planted a few seeds in your mind about how to be a better gardener, today!