Be Healthy For Less: Helpful Herbs

The use of herbs and spices has been incredibly important throughout history. Many were celebrated for their medicinal properties, well before culinary use. Modern science has now shown that many of them do indeed carry remarkable health benefits. Adding some to your dishes here and there, could be a great way to take advantage of their benefits…

Check out this tasty tabbouleh salad recipe here.
1. Parsley
The delicious and vibrant taste and wonderful healing properties of parsley are often ignored in its popular role as a table garnish. The small curly and flat leaves are packed with vitamins including: vitamins K, C, A, B1 and B3; iron, copper, potassium, calcium, fibre, magnesium, zinc and many more!

Check out this recipe here for a pearl barley, butternut squash & sage risotto.
2. Sage
Sage gets its name from the Latin word Salvere, which means “to save.” It had a strong reputation for its healing properties during the middle ages, and was even used to help prevent the plague. Current research indicates that sage may be able to improve brain function and memory.

Check out this Turkey mince stir fry with holy basil recipe here.
3. Holy Basil
Not to be confused with regular basil or thai basil, holy basil is considered a sacred herb in India. The health benefits of holy basil, also known as tulsi, include oral care, relief from respiratory disorders, as well as treatment of fever, asthma, lung disorders, heart diseases and stress.

Check out this rosemary potato wedges recipe here, for a great alternative to chips.
4. Rosemary
As well as being used as a culinary condiment, it is also used to make bodily perfumes, and for its potential health benefits. The active ingredient in rosemary is called rosmarinic acid. This substance has anti-inflammatory effects that appear to suppress allergy symptoms and reduce nasal congestion.
Want more tips on how to look after your health? Why not read our 5 tips on keeping a healthy heart…
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